by. Claire (Sehee) Kim | 💻 Portfolio | ✉️ Email | ✏️ I'm open to work

60 Days of Design is a personal project to challenge me to keep creating something for 60 days. In most cases, I believe what matters to succeed in your work is depends on how strong your groundwork is. So I've started this challenge to sharpen my design skills and also wanted to explore some new tools that I haven't tried before. Most of the works here were initiated from my personal interest or curiosity that I've had.

Note. I picked this name from one of my favorite movies, "500 Days of Summer". That's why you see "60" with the bracket.

Hope you enjoy.

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Thanks for visiting 🙏

Please reach out to me if you'd like to chat. (P.S - I'm open to work 🙃)

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